*Above is a Numnah, the blanket that goes under the saddle. Picture from: http://www.bpequestrian.co.uk/images/Numnah-lightblue.jpg
Picture of saddle from: http://www.equusite.com/
Before reading how to put a saddle on take a look at the picture to see the parts and where they are located.
Step 1. Stand on your pony's side and put the *Numnah (read the very top of the post to find out about Numnahs') over his withers and slide it backward. this will make the hairs of this coat lie flat.
Step 2. Place the saddle over the withers and slide backwards. Tuck the numnah up into the *gullet of the saddle so it doesn't press on your pony's withers - the shoulders should be able to move freely
* the gullet is the section under the front of the saddle (underneath the pommel)
Step 3. Unfold the *girth (the girth strap gets put around the horses stomach) and fasten it around the horses stomach - but be careful because some horses puff out their bellies, so you will need to tighten the girth again. ALWAYS check the girth strap before *mounting (mounting meaning getting on the horse)
Step 4. (if the bridle isn't on yet follow the steps in tacking up part 1 (bridle) then come back) Step 4 is mounting to mount place one hand on the pommel (front of saddle) and one on the cantle (back of saddle) then put your foot in the stirrup and push your self up whilst swinging your right leg over (being careful not to kick the horse) then once your sitting up put your right foot into the other stirrup! Then ride!